MOOCs, are they worth it?

Ping, I have constantly been hearing this noise all afternoon as my phone has been lit up with the excitement brought about by the start of a new MOOC. In the space of 4 hours I have received around 40 email notifications as participants have published their first task for the Association for Learning Technologies Open Course on Technology Enhanced Learning (ocTEL).…

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Event Report: White Rose Learning Technologists’ Forum March 2013

Last week I attended my first meeting of the White Rose Learning Technologists’ Forum (WRLT) which was hosted by two of the learning technologists at the University of Leeds. The event was really interesting as the hosts Kristen Thomas and James Little created an Easter themed treasure to demonstrated the use of augmented reality app, Aurasmus.…

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(Fortnightly) week notes 8

The past two weeks have been busy, I have:

Ran the study skills website with a group of L1 Engineering students

Attend a conference at the University of Salford on ‘Re-thinking education for the digital era

Wrote a workshop proposal for JISC RSC YH Summer Conference 2013

Tested potential new hardware for the role out of audio recording tutorials

Been introduced to xtLearn which is a visual bookmarking tool

Submitted my first assignment for the degree that I am studying in computing, IT and design

Attended a day school on the basics of computer programming

Accepted the offer to resume the MSc n Multimedia and E-learning next year

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Week note 6/2013

This week it was half term at the college I work at so I’ve put my work related tasks on hold and have been indulging in my own tech interests:

  • As part of the #etmooc I have looked into digital story telling which has lead me to collaborating with my peers and creating ‘The Pirate‘ story.
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Choose Your Own Adventure

Task 7 of the digital literacy topic asks participants to draw an object on a piece of paper and upload it to the Internet. The participant then asks a peer to draw a related object. This drawing is then passed on to another peer who draws another related object as so on until five images have been created.…

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