My Husband is like a Rhizome (and that’s a good thing)

I just finished listening to Dave Cormier explaining some concepts of rhizomatic learning and while I tried to contextualize his genius I realized that my husband is a pretty good example of a rhizomatic learner, although he would never think of himself as a “learner”.…

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January 27

I have had several new positions in the last few years and I admit, my PLN has suffered for it, especially when I moved from teaching middle years content to teaching K-3 Physical Education while working as a VP in a large elementary school.  …

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I feel conflicted about wanting more followers….

January 18

I just watched the “Intro to Twitter” session for #etmooc.  I’m already using Twitter and I have a whopping 40-some followers.  And if I’m being honest, I’m ok with that, for now.  

I am definitely in the “lurker stage” of connectedness.  …

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In the beginning…

January 15

It feels a little like the first day of school: taking on a new challenge, a new area of study and new colleagues, I couldn’t be more enthusiastic!

I’m currently a first-time mom on maternity leave. I’m definitely enjoying my days at home with my 8-month old daughter but at the same time, looking forward to returning to the classroom and wanting to stay in the educational conversation.…

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