A Collaborative Genius Hour Blog: geniushour.ca

I am so excited to announce that I have just launched a new website: geniushour.ca.

After talking with Hugh McDonald the other day, we decided it would be great to have a place online where Genius Hour (or 20% time, innovation week, etc) teachers could cross-blog their stories and share in one space!

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Learning Through Observation & Conversation

My visits to 
The Inquiry HUB School in Coquitlam, 
the Inquiry 8 Class @ Fraser Heights Secondary in Surrey,
and more!

Earlier this year I blogged about the power of visiting other classrooms and schools.  Well, since then I have had the opportunity to go on even more classroom visits and I just have to blog about it again!
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Another Great Evening in SD36…


A few days ago I attended a district dinner for teacher-bloggers and those interested in blogging.  Let me start with a thank you to the school district for putting on events like this.  I feel so fortunate to work in SD36, a place where innovation and sharing is encouraged!
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How do you learn best?

The question that The Openspokes Fellowship is tackling this week is: How do you learn best?

I loved watching everyone’s videos.  It was a wonderful reminder of the fact that everyone learns differently and we have to honour that, and be mindful of the diverse ways in which we all learn when we plan for our students.

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