Getting Started with #ETMOOC!

I’ve been reading on Twitter all about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and now I’m participating in one.  #Etmooc is a networking MOOC focused on Educational Technology. Here’s the schedule and the calendar. I’m very excited about Digital Storytelling and Digital Literacy. …

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Hooked on Twitter

How to find who to follow

I first started using Tweeter at conferences.  I’d follow the Hashtag for the conference and liked reading others’ Tweets on sessions.  I was a lurker for sure.  Eventually colleagues of mine started Tweeting. I followed them, but never signed into see what was happening. …

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Peer Teaching and Integrating Tech


Recently Aybike Oğuz,and I worked together to teach a lesson.  She also blogs about our peer teaching experience here. The lesson consisted of analyzing a YouTube video, The (Secret) City of London, Part 1: History as a model text for using compare and contrast language, using OneNote for annotating a PDF and using Google Presentation for creating a shared phrasal list.…

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