Picture Books 10 for 10: Classroom Edition

Today I participated in #PB10for10 (my 10 favourite Picture Books on August 10th) created by @cathymere and @mandyrobek and now I’ve been inspired to create some sort of PB10for10 for our students using our class blogs. Reading through dozens of blogs about favourite picture books has been inspiring.
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Picture Books 10 for 10: Authors I couldn’t live without


Choosing 10 favourite pictures books is probably one of the hardest challenges I’ve had to face this summer. So, in order to get around the fact that I need to choose only 10 books, I created a list of authors who write those 10 (or more) books that I just couldn’t live without in my classroom or in my life.
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Inquiring About Inquiry:
 My Journey Into Inquiry Based Learning (Part 1)

“Children have a strong disposition to explore and discover. Inquiry- based learning builds on natural curiosity, enabling children to interact, question, connect, problem-solve, communicate, reflect, and more. This kind of authentic learning extends beyond the classroom to the students’ home and community.
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Grade Ones as Teachers

This past Friday, my Grade Ones became teachers to a Kindergarten class. We have been using Educreations for a few months now and grasping a good understanding of how to use it. Compared to our Kindergarten learners, my students were “digital experts”.…

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Building a Community

This week we built our own community on the floor of our classroom. Mrs. van Rees put tape on the floor for roads and we did the rest. We brainstormed different things a community needs and then each of us took a specific thing to create.…

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QR Codes and Padlet

Thanks to Kristen Wideen and her willingness to share what she does in her class on her blog, I attempted QR codes and Padlet (an electronic chart paper for sticky notes) with my Grade Ones today. Creating a QR code was really quite easy.…

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Flat Stanley

This year I read “Flat Stanley”written by Jeff Brown to my Grade One class. In the past 7 years, I have done a Flat Stanley project with 2 of my other classes, but nothing like the project it became this year.…

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Using Educreations… and failing at it

Sometimes the best learning happens when you fail.

Today, I messed up. I tried something new and although it seemed to be going smoothly at first, it didn’t end as well. I had my students use Educreations to record their learning on 3D shapes.…

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Student Blogging

In September when I started blogging with my Grade One students, I was probably more scared than they were. Our first computer lab period was…  insanity. My Grade Ones were taught how to log on and use a computer in Kindergarten, but they had a summer to forget and I wasn’t just asking them to log on.…

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