New Inquiry

Last week I started a new inquiry on ‘Objects and Materials’ with my Grade Ones. Inquiry scares me a little because there is less control and a lot of unknown. My students love it as they are in ‘control’ of their learning and this is the most important part.…

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So I’ve joined something called #ETMOOC – Educational Technology & Media – Massive Open Online Course. I’ve heard the term “MOOC” on Twitter before, but I really didn’t have a clue what it really meant. Now I know, it’s just an Massive Open Online Course.…

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Behaviour Management

It’s been months since I last posted. I’ve written on my class blog, our kidblog and have done a lot of tweeting… but I’ve neglected my own personal blog. Now is the time to get this up and running again.

I’ve realized that the posts I put on our class blog could go into so much more detail and I should be doing that here. 

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Change… scary or exciting?

This new school year brings some new and exciting adventures my way. I’ve moved schools (again) this year. This will be my 8th classroom to set up in 7 years of teaching. The downfall of being an LTO means I need to pack up and leave at the end of each year.…

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First Blog!

Today is the start of something new.

I’ve just set up my own personal blog. 

Quite honestly, this scares me. A LOT. However, I’ve been told many times that blogging can be so important for my own personal growth as a teacher, that I just can’t ignore it anymore.…

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