Inquiry, Google, Genius Hour… it all boils down to Rhizomatic learning.

Photo Credit: Lilia Efimova via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Lilia Efimova via Compfight cc

Today was one of those sessions that I lurked mostly.  I couldn’t help it.  There was so much that was unfamiliar to me, that I just had to stop and take stock in what everyone was talking about.  …

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To learn live, or to learn with recording… that is the question

Over the past two weeks, I’ve had the pleasure of participating in two lives sessions of #etmooc using Blackboard Collaborate.  The sessions were intense.  First, starting with a session with Alec Couros that centered on the Introduction to Connected Learning.  …

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#Etmooc Adventure 2013-01-22 02:57:44

After having ended the Connected Learning BB Collaborate session on a seemingly excited note, I’m happy that they are recording the sessions!  There was so much information, the chat window was going a mile a minute, and it was difficult to effectively multitask.  …

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Making my learning visible…

Just finished watching the Orientation and Welcome recorded session on Blackboard Collaborate.  I’ve always felt like a person that has been on top of the technology movement in education, but now I feel a bit behind!  I know that compared to many of my colleagues at school that I am on top, but there is so much to learn out there!…

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So a few things about me:

298731_10150311744828476_960858261_nName:  Jess Henze

Hometown:  Fort Atkinson, WI, USA

Job:  7th grade teacher – mostly science, some math in a team based, full inclusion middle school

School District:  Madison Metropolitan School District

Family:  Husband, Paul, 2 biological children:  Chase, 5 and Holley, 6 and 2 step daughters at home, Crystal 11, and Tiffany 16.  …

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