Social Cognition: Is It Essential to Digital Literacy?

This week I have not been able to connect live with the #ETMOOC sessions so far, but I was able to access the archived session of Doug Belshaw ( T3S1 – Introduction to Digital Literacies w/ Doug Belshaw (Feb 18, 3pm) – see also Doug Belshaw’s resources).  …

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Slices & Forkfuls of Pie


I’ve been thinking about my responsibility for learning a lot this week.  Certainly the more experienced online folk here in #etmooc have been influential and helpful, and have shared their tips, tricks and other very practical suggestions.  This sense of community has been invaluable as I start to ponder why I am doing this.…

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Flexibilty for Diversity

This blog posting was inspired by a tweet from Michelle Franz (@lrndeveloper) this morning about MOOCs at universities.

In Thomas Friedman’s article Revolution Hits the Universities,  ‘Daniel’, the young man with some kind of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) described his experience in a Coursera/Penn MOOC as an opportunity to,”…work hard and enjoy being in sync with the world”.…

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Being a Contributor

I’m finding that whatever I have the enthusiasm to contribute is accepted so readily among my ever expanding PLN.  I am finding the joy in contributing my support, my alternate opinion, my questions and my heart.  So what will I contribute to ETMOOC?…

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Haunted by Les Nessman

ImageI admit it. I’m one of those.  I build walls and compartmentalize.  Here I am in a MOOC with all of these open, free, thoughtful, experimental people who are blogging, tweeting, etc about any number of subjects.  Here I sit, painfully eking out my second blog. …

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