Bigger may not be better

I’ve been watching the ETMOOC introductions fly by for about a week now, and am struck by how overwhelming it all is. There are, at last count, 1647 participants in this course, and if everyone posted only once in the past week I would end up with far more than I could ever possibly hope to read.…

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Greetings, ETMOOC community!

I`m a school teacher in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I consider myself a Social Studies teacher since history is really what gets me fired up. I work with our regional heritage fair (the Red River Heritage Fair) to get kids fired up about history, and try to do informal events to link social studies teachers together face to face.…

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I registered a few days ago for the Education Technology and Media Massive Open Online Course (try to say that quickly) which, as of January 5, had 680 registered participants from all sort of wild places around the globe.

It looks like a promising way to connect with teachers from all over the place who are interested in education and technology It also looks like it may encourage me to be a bit more reflective.…

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