The magic of the campus

At the LINC conference the question came up why we still have residential education given what is possible online nowadays. Professor Sanjay Sarma talked about the magic of the campus that does not happen online. In essence his point in his own words is “there is essential magic in residential in-person education that is difficult to articulate, let alone replicate online
One of the main points Sarma seems to make is that in what he calls “second order learning or higher order learning” moral values are installed in students.
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Higher education is not the music, travel or news industry

The elections for the university council at my university brought us a new political party that as one of its main points has how to deal with the tsunami of online education that is flooding Higher Education. The ideas of the threats the party sees are more or less in line with McKinsey’s ideas about the dangers universities face from online education.…

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ETMOOC learning cycle

In ETMOOC there was a lot to learn and think about. Thanks to the great set-up of the whole course by the organizers. What I have learned has been the topic of most of my blog posts. So my “summary of learning artifact” is my thoughts about the ETMOOC learning cycle.…

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One pitfall for learner data from Open Education

If on campus university courses would have the drop-out rate of Moocs they would be considered an utter failure. There are of course a lot of valid reasons why you would expect the amount of drop-outs to be way higher in a MOOC then in an on campus course but still the drop-out is impressive.…

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Trial and error or trial and success learning?

Edward Thorndike is seen as the person who showed us “how to manage a trial and error experiment in a laboratory”. This video shows how an experiment like that took place:

For people who want to read more from Thorndike here is a great resource:

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ETMOOC and the seven principles for good education

The first topic of ETMOOC, Connected learning is ending today. After given some opinions about the risks I see with connected learning I want to devote this post to my experiences with it in ETMOOC. I will focus on what I learned so far, why I think I learned and how I think my learning could improve further.…

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No Rhizomatic learning for me

Just now I listened to a talk by Dave Cormier about Rhizomatic Learning as part of participating in ETMOOC. The most important statements about what it is to me are “that participating in the community is the curriculum” and “the Rhizome is a model for learning for uncertainty”.…

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