Reflecting on My Experience in ETMOOC

             Launching into my first Massive Open Online Course, I truly did not know what to expect.  My primary learning experiences have been, for the most part, pedagogically structured, and it is only recently that I have participated in student directed learning.   …

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IPhone as a Learning Tool

Tonight I participated in an #ETMOOC BB Collaborate session with two of my fellow UMB grad students and about 50 other participants.  The facilitator led a robust discussion on ways to use technology to tell stories – storytelling being a valuable learning tool.…

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Learning Freefall

I am a graduate student at UMass Boston and am participating in the ETMOOC along with three other graduate students. Our participation in ETMOOC is twofold: one as an ETMOOC participant, and one as a MOOC voyeur. Together, my fellow colleagues and I are examining not only the content of ETMOOC, but the impact of the MOOC frontier in general and the opportunities it holds for further exploration.…

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Connected Learning: Tools, Processes & Pedagogy


Still having difficulties getting into the Blackboard environment.  I may need to buy a new computer to do this which is not making me very happy.  Nonetheless, I do now have a schedule to connect with my local group and WILL figure out how to get access to the archive this weekend. …

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Jumping In

Day late, dollar short.  Story of my life.  I’m just recovering from a bout of the flu and am late to the ETMOOC party.  Today I’ve spent no less than 4 hours surveying, taking notes, and in general, trying to get organized to participate in the ETMOOC. …

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