Sorry #etmooc

Well, orientation week was a bit scary! I listened in and got a sense of wow! I set up my blog, but mixed up the link for the etmooc hub! <sigh> I am sure it will all work out.
I am hoping that a few of the sessions are taped and available for review.…

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Wow my first etMOOC session!

I am attending the orientation session as I am writing. I am feeling a trifle overwhelmed! I am loving the learning that I am doing by just listening to what people are saying and chatting about. This is going to be an amazing opportunity for me.…

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New to #etMOOC

OMG I think I am finally set up! Not sure if I am going to be able to keep up with all this. With two jobs, my family, my students and my own entertainment!! But I will keep up with my #etMOOC stuff as much as I can.…

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