Developing digital literacies through digital storytelling tools

This post is organised in this way:
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The Railway Workshops in Remedios de Escalada (an interactive image)

On 26thOctober 1901 the Remedios de Escalada railway workshops opened. A year later the railway station was inaugurated and simply called “Villa Talleres” (Workshop Village). Much later, in 1923, Villa Talleres was renamed as “Remedios de Escalada” to pay homage to General José de San Martin’s wife.
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@ the chalkface in a digital age 2013-02-11 00:36:00

Five Card Story: My Precious Gift

a #etmooc story created by Max Alvarez

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by JudyArzt1

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

flickr photo by ncaramanico
It was my 18th birthday and my dad gave me this watch as a present.

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When Venus Meets Mars & Bizarre Love Geometry

This is going to be a very unusual post to read because of the content and style. So get ready.

I wrote two six word stories from scratch. I just had a quick look at some examples posted on Six Word Stories as I was talking on the phone with a friend who had been cheated on.…

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How I improve my digital literacy skills

Since my last post, I’ve been quite busy. I’ve been reading, trying out new things, synthesising and integrating what I learnt. I’ve also been reflecting upon my learning process. Little by little, everything’s falling into place.

I thought I knew… but actually I didn’t!

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Getting to grips with Twitter as I enhance my PLN

To those who think that Twitter is a piece of cake, let me tell you that sometimes the simplest thing is the most difficult one to understand and eventually master. Believe it or not, I signed up for a Twitter account about two years ago – yes, you read it well: two years ago!
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What I’ve learnt so far: the meaning of ‘sharing’

‘…Sharing… it really starts with two

‘Sharing… there’s no comparing with give and take… you can share too!
‘… Sharing… it helps teachers grow
‘Sharing is really caring… ‘cause who you know… is what you know!
‘… Sharing… PLNs start with two
‘… Sharing… is just preparing, so that teachers can learn… with “their crew”
‘Sharing… it’s up to me and you
‘Sharing… now that’s the real clue
‘Sharing… is real daring, but I hope… I can count… on YOU!’
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My introduction

This is my introduction. I decided to try out xtranormal, a tool I didn’t know. So by creating this video I learnt (or at least I think I did) how to use this tool.

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