The MongoDB NoSQL Database Blog: The MEAN Stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js

The MongoDB NoSQL Database Blog: The MEAN Stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js:


This is a guest post from Valeri Karpov, a MongoDB Hacker and co-founder of the Ascot Project.

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me for help with PostgreSQL.

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“If higher education is a business, then universities are the middlemen. Now that technology allows…”

“If higher education is a business, then universities are the middlemen. Now that technology allows professors to deliver learning over the Internet to hundreds or even thousands of students at a time, do professors need universities any longer?”

Cutting Out the Middlemen: Do Professors Need Universities Anymore?

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#ETMOOC Introduction

Hi there! I know that it is preferable to use richer media than text in the introduction but will spare you from embarrasing photos of me and cut to the chase. I’m Tiago Santos from Lisbon, Portugal. I’ve started as a K-12 science teacher, but in the lack of professional opportunities in the area I’ve moved away from education to pursue a career in design and I’m currently working as graphic and web designer at ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon.…

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