Time for Reflection leads to Professional Bests!


Opening the doors of your classroom, sharing your students and discussing your professional practices can be an a daunting task for anyone. There are professional and personal vulnerabilities that lie in allowing oneself to give up the sense of control and ownership of a classroom.
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How Do I Share My Learning?


In preparing for my first ever experience with a MOOC, I found myself feeling very similar to my first day of teaching nine years ago.  I was so excited to begin the new journey, eager to ‘share’ my expertise and knowledge and intrigued by the scope of what was going to be learned.
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Changing How We Teach – It is a Process!


In getting ready to co-present with my principal at Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Regional School  Divisional PD Day, I was inspired to write the following post on why it is important to change how we teach our students today.

 I realize that for most educators time is at a premium and so too are the demands to met the needs of all the children in the classroom.
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