Professional Portfolio – Teacher for Hire!

KelseyThom Hello and thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. Originally designed as a classroom forum for parent/student communication, assignment links, student collaboration, and  more while teaching at Thom Collegiate in Regina, I have become quite fond of this blog and decided to use it as a place to post my professional portfolio.…

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#etmooc – the journey begins!

Hello fellow #etmoocers!

My name is Kelsey (Bially) O’Byrne and I’m a third year English teacher at Thom Collegiate in Regina, SK. As a paper and pen girl by nature, I feared the integration of technology into my classes due to my own limitations with devices, programs, etc.…

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We are going to begin using this blog as a central discussion forum in our Creative Writing class.

You will be expected to post your research as well as comment on the research of your classmates. You may also use this as a safe space to post your writing or anything relevant to the class or your development as a writing student.…

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