Applying what we learned in MultiMOOC in EVO 2013 to Writingmatrix

A few years ago, Vance Stevens coordinated Nelba Quintana and Rita Zeinstejer in Argentina, Doris Molero in Venezuela, and Sasa Sirk in Slovenia in a global project to put student writers in touch with each other through blogging, by tagging their posts ‘writingmatrix’.…

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Follow-up on ‘Checking the petri dishes: End game analysis for MultiMOOC 13’

This post is the second in a series, following

Thanks Natasa for the great questions.  I changed the subject of this post which will mess up the thread in YahooGroups, but will allow me to post it on Posterous by cc’ing this email to the blog.

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Week 3 in MultiMOOC: Making progress with social networking

As we’ve seen earlier in this session (if you’ve caught it as the information whizzed by 🙂 MOOCs started in 2008 from the connectivist ideas of George Siemens and Stephen Downes, who thought they could use networks to leverage learning so it would scale to thousands of participants.
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Switching between Delicious and Diigo: and MultiMOOC to ETMOOC

I’m sorry that Chris is having problems with her Posterous account. Posterous is not acting properly these days.  It is particularly not welcoming to newcomer Chris, as she has documented here:

Two affordances of Posterous in education contexts

But in this post I am hoping to illustrate two affordances of Posterous that I have been able to make excellent use of as a teacher and teacher-trainer.

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Week 2 in MultiMOOC: Using tags to DECLARE why you are here and where we can find you

Blogging / Posterous


Keeping a blog is a step toward including it, or making it an anchor for, your ePortfolio.  You can call your blog to our attention by making it come up in our tag searches.  The most reliable tag searches these days that we can control are Delicious and Diigo.…

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Declaration Week in MultiMOOC: Outing your voice in Posterous

At I’m poised to set some specs on what we should be doing this week and next for the Declare and Network weeks of our EVO session MultiMOOC (which, if not a MOOC, is at least an exploration of MOOCs). But earlier today I was answering list traffic on our Yahoo Group.

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Some clarifications on joining and ORIENTING In our session

Hi everyone,if you received this message in your email then you have successfully joined the MultiMOOC session, per instructions given at and at our portal

I mentioned in mail earlier today that the other spaces we use are in the sidebar of that last link and at a ‘spaces’ page.
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