To blog or not to blog!

Blogging may seem like too much work. At least that’s what I hear from most people in my life-’where do you find the time?’ It kind of becomes cathartic when your day has been fraught with tech issues. computers that don’t work, not enough computers for everyone who needs them, internet that works in one room but not another, software that has to be uninstalled and reinstalled before it works as it should, not having the pword to update software and no IT person available that has the pwords or the clearance to do it.…

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Family Day or Festivus?

Well, I’m enjoying a relaxing day catching up on things that need to get done, reading student blogs and updating all the students ipads! Did I say relaxing? lol I enjoy doing these things so to me yes its relaxing. I’m surprised how much I enjoy the blogs of Mrs Rose’s art students.…

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A new venture with wordpress.

I had a blog set up with Blogspot and I found it a little frustrating and decided to switch. Unfortunately the blogs I’ve already completed are lost in a deactivated account somewhere.
I have really experimented and become familiar with Twitter and have thoroughly enjoy its simplicity without the add ons, likes etc of Facebook.…

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