Search is a journey, not a destination.

I have been trying to teach my students how to search the internet more efficiently for quite a while now, with limited success.  I used to spend a lot of time on keywords and understanding boolean logic and trying to find the magic query that would return the most relevant results. …

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Learning and re-learning

I am a bit of a frustrated learner these days.  There are so many great learning opportunities available in the areas that interest me and I just don’t have the time to take advantage of them.  I wish I could participate in all the amazing #ETMOOC sessions or read the articles available through MIT’s Learning Creative Learning course, but that is just not my reality. …

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Where does content live in connected learning?

In the vlog I posted below I finish by stating that I think we can’t just forget about content and the value of content expertise, we need to figure out what role it plays in a connected learning environment.  I plan on posting the following question to the #ETMOOC Google plus group soon, but wanted to try and flush out a few ideas here first.…

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