Topic #4: The Open Movement – Open Access, OERs & Future of Education

Education is the simple and powerful idea that the world’s knowledge is
a public good and that technology in general and the Worldwide Web in
particular provide an extraordinary opportunity for everyone to share,
use, and reuse knowledge.” ~
The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation

teaching has been a selfish profession with schools and teachers
protective of the programs they have created.
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Topic #3: Digital Literacy

There wasn't a specific brief for this topic and so the following post is made up of some musings revolving around digital literacy and how that impacts teachers.

Literacy means an ability to ‘read’ and consume the content before you. To be digitally literate suggests that you are able to work with a variety of digital media and, as such, differs from web literacy as it implies that it is more to do with the devices used than one application on those devices.

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Topic 2: Digital Storytelling

I am hoping that this post is part 1 of something greater.
The blogged intro to this activity ( stresses that the most important part of digital storytelling is the latter part of the term, storytelling. As a poet, I feel comfortable and confident in my ability to create stories.
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The first task is to create an introductory post. I obviously already have some of that information on this site but I thought I would summarise the essentials into this brief post. 
I am an Australian, through and through. I love my footy, pies and beers and certainly couldn't get by without my mates.
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