A Review: Shifting the Monkey by Todd Whitaker


I was excited to read Shifting the Monkey: The Art of Protecting Good People from Liars, Criers and Other Slackers by Todd Whitaker  (@toddwhitkaer) because I was curious about my role in the “monkey business” and how this was impacting me and everyone I serve.

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If I Could Design a School….


If I could design a school today I would want a school that provided rooms that allowed students to learn in a manner that best suited their physical needs.  I would want the physical rooms to be awash in as much natural sunlight as possible and opportunities to take the learning outdoors as often as possible.

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Using Social Media for Student Learning

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This blog post has been in my head for a while, but it is one that is worth writing down (finally) because of the impact it can have on student learning. If you are an educator who is hesitant about utilizing social media in the classroom I hope that my recent experience with Holy Angels School (@HAS) will change your mind.

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What Does Innovation Mean to Me?

This post is in response to the question posed for The Innovator’s Mindset book study that is occurring this month. It is yet another step in my learning as this blog post is part of a “blog hop” and I would like to thank Tina Zita for opening me up to this opportunity!…

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A Review: The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros


I was excited to pick up The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros (@gcouros) for two reasons. 1) As an educator I have heard the use of the word #innovation more and more and as a Technology Enabled Learning and Teaching Contact I feel it is my job to support innovation in our classrooms.

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Twitter as a Tool for Empowering the School Community


Only 20-30% of our communities are made up of households with students in our buildings. Those percentages reflect the huge void of people in the community who have any knowledge of what goes on in your school building. Telling the story of the wonderful things happening in schools to the kids who see it all the time  is simply not enough.

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Review:Authentic Learning in the Digital Age


Authentic Learning in the Digital Age. Don’t let the title fool you!  This book provides insight and strategies that go far beyond simply using technology in the classroom. This great resource provides multiple strategies for creating a culture of inquiry and student centred learning at the system, school or classroom level.

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Know the Signs

For the small number of you who read my blog, you know that I keep this blog as a resource for all things I come across in for my learning. Sometimes I blog about something cool that I have learned to do with #GAFE or in the #vLE.…

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It was a most timely read. As #BruceSpringsteen fans from all over the world celebrate the 30th anniversary of Bruce Springsteen’s “Born to Run” album, I finished reading Bruce by Peter Ames Carlin.

Bruce gives insight into the man, the musician and the legend.…

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