Initial Questions Regarding Digital Learning and Fluency

Who is deciding what = fluency?
Whose values are reflected? 
Some things I’ve heard about fluency: Fluency equals transparency, productivity, creativity–not just what tools to use and how to use them, but when to use them and why, and this is ideally developed through a boundary-less, informal, self-directed, socially-connected, collaborative, rhizomatic, explorative, and measured way.
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I want to dedicate this blog post to the idea of “Open”

Open access–


Those are words that describe, that have described the concept of Open to me.  But since participating in this MOOC, I’ve realized there is more to the concept than those words.…

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I’ve joined the ETMOOC to consider differences and similarities to the online grad course I’m taking through the web, regarding Education and Technology.

The learning management system at  the university has been difficult for me so far. What is difficult? I find there are too many locations for following discussions, and I find following a set of step-by-step instructions as well as the syllabus, makes it difficult to comprehend, to synthesize, to bring it all together.…

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