Google Hangout First Attempt #etmooc

I tried my hand at a Google Hangout for the first time today, which turned into an exercise of futility. However in the end I end up with a half way decent vlog. The general idea of the Hangout, outlined in my previous blog entry, was to offer some tips and strategies for working through the MOOC as well as hear what other were doing.…

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Wading through the MOOC

By the time I got online Tuesday night, the java app installed to allow access to ellu Blackboard collaborate, the slide in front of me looked like a wordle had become part of a this your brain on drugs commercial … and my brain was now on drugs. …

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MOOC Madness

Monday marks the start of the Massive Online Open Course: Educational Technology & Media (etmooc). And even though they haven’t figured out how acronyms work, it is the brain child of a lot smart people in the EdTech community. There are currently “over 1200 participants registered representing 67 countries,” and I am but one of the masses.…

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