Regrouping … Part 2

*NOTE: This blog has really nothing to do with Ed Tech per-say …. however I thought I would share my thoughts. However it kind of goes with PART 1, so I have decided this is Part II. And yes I promise to ultimately get back to what Digital Learning is ….

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When Two Worlds Collide

Over the past week I have been battling the flu. Yes it was icky. But needless to say I have realized a few things in my fever induced state: One – the flu stinks, and Two – there is a world of possibilities just waiting to be discovered if only we had an open mind in which they could flourish.…

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Digital Story (6 words)

This is such a broad topic. I used to project a photo and play music (sometimes it went with the phone sometimes it did not) in my classroom as a prep to what we were going to be doing that day and have them write what ever came to mind.…

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LifeLong Learners ….

I just returned from FETC where not only did I attend several sessions on 1:1 programs like our own, but also spoke with individuals – teachers, techs, and administration on the nature of 21st Century Learning. Needless to say everyone has a different opinion on how a 21st century classroom should look like.…

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A Little about me … #ETMOOC

Hello. I am starting on a journey of my own. I am starting #ETMOOC, for my own professional development and to learn more about how others work and incorporate technology in new and more efficient ways. With that said here is a video about myself and a little of what I do.…

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