The Garden

The #coffeechugPLN chat was brewing up a full bodied discussion earlier this week when a fresh cup of inspiration got poured into my mental mug.

We were discussing growth, and then it hit like the smell of  fresh brewed  java in the morning.…

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Now what? A McLuhan-esque #etmooc redux

CBC radio host Paul Kennedy, a student of Marshall McLuhan, shared that his prolific professor once lamented, “This is not a university it is is a multiversity!”He felt that the words were borne slightly out of McLuhan’s frustration over the lack of any interaction, communication or collaboration among various disciplines in academia.

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How My Brain Works Best

Five Card Story: How My Brain Works Best an #etmooc quasi-epic in 5 pics

a Five Card Flickr story created by @willgourley

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

My brain works best when surrounded by structures of disorder and chaos.

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“Me lose brain? Why, I laugh?”

I think I broke my brain. Well… it kinda feels that way.  After all  isn’t it supposed to feel that way when it’s working.
With what’s left of the pieces, I’ll attempt to write this post while not attracting too many zombies to clean up the leftovers.

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At times teaching is like lifting the lid off of an amazing gourmet meal.  We see how sumptuous it appears when presented to the hungry diner. The smells, sounds and sights of the experience flood the mind. What did it take to get everything right, that moment where the senses could be tantalized to the edge of anticipation of that first bite?

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#ETMOOC at Edublogs

Welcome to my dedicated #ETMOOC  and #edchat blog site.

It is with fear and trepidation that I learn at all.

Knowing that the more I learn, the  more there is to know.…

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