syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

What I’m Learning: Flipped PD from Kristin Daniels

I really love this article on EdSurge, but my favorite part comes from the section on planning. It is truly a wonderful way to show how both easy and effective good personalized learning plans can be. Nice work Kristin!

The Flip Side of Professional Development | EdSurge News

The very first coaching session of Flipped PD often begins with the creation a google document that is shared between the teacher and the coach.

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2014: The Year of MOOC Click Bait

The University of Pennsylvania invited several hundred education reporters to a seminar on MOOCs. The school expected 15 to 20 enrollees from media outlets, but as of the catering deadline, only four responded. So the group cancelled the event.

This is the premise under which the Chronicle of Higher Education provided the click-bait headline “2014: The Year the Media Stopped Caring About MOOCs?”…

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Project Roundtable: Professional Learning as Daily Practice (#2minPD and Other Innovative Ideas)

*Don’t Forget to Fill Out the Planning Document after you RSVP for the Event:*

*Roundtable Purpose:*
The purpose of this roundtable is to consider the role that Professional Learning plays in our lives as teachers and leaders. It is also to explore how we can make PD an expected and welcome part of every day.…

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An Invitation to #2minPD

I would like to invite each of you to contribute to the project known as #2minPD. Before I give you the details, I wanted to share my first contribution to the project:

This fabulous project was started by Melissa Pelochino of the Stanford d.School.…

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Blended Learning #2minPD

This is a #2minPD on Blended Learning. Find out more about this project here:

In this video I explore a highly simplified definition of Blended Learning, and some concrete next steps for getting started. This #2minPD is not meant to be an exhaustive resource on Blended Learning, but rather an entry point to thinking about what is possible by implementing blended learning within your classroom or school.…

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What Did I Learn Today? (#OSSEMOOC)

I have been drafting my “big learning” evidence from my time at #OTRK12 and #Gafesummit for about a week now and in the interim I have learned so much more! I have struggled with trying to decide if I should write the “big” connected piece or start fresh and  simply go with “What I Learned Today” as part of the OSSEMOOC 30 Days of Blogging Challenge. …

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A Tool for Faculty at Every Juncture: AP Course Building 101

AP Course Building 101

As university instructors, we are all subject matter experts; whether one is an adjunct, a doctoral candidate, or a tenured professor, we know our content. After all, we worked those many years to become experts in our field: extensive research, days of grading, oral exams, dissertating – our subject-field passion has motivated us to endure the rigor and tribulations constitutive of our advanced education.

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2014 Ship Season is Underway!

Despite the fact that I am surrounded by snowbanks and the temperatures are quite cold, the 2014 shipping season is officially underway! I haven’t has the opportunity to have my first ship sighting of the 2014 season, but thanx to Twitter and my PLN, I have seen quite a few ships, from a distance, so far this season.…

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Stacey Wallwin 2014-04-14 13:17:29

I came across this quote and it really resonated with me. Think back to how you go where you are today….

Never underestimate what you can achieve. Hard work, determination, resilience, dedication, passion and “grit” will take you farther than you ever imagined.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs