syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Weaving the Web

Week 9 was a week for listening to the Headless DS106 Radio shows and for experimenting with hacking the web.

Radio Show Critiques

Finally I have listened to all of the Headless DS106 Radio Shows.  I am amazed that they are all so different in format, genre and theme and all so accomplished.  …

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Writing through a Loss of Voice

A number of posts from Jenny Mackness, Bon Stewart, and Paul Prinsloo caught my attention this week. All three deal with loss of their individual blogging voices. By accident, I read them in reverse-order, but the series was started by Prinsloo, self-described as “an education consultant and researcher at the University of South Africa (Unisa), an African mega open distance learning (ODL) higher …

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Hacking – Word of the Year

While brainstorming for ideas for today’s Daily Create, “Draw/Create an image that creates a positive connotation for the word “hacking”, I realized that I could combine this with our assignment to hack a website. What better way to give hacking a higher profile than to have the Oxford English Dictionary announce that hacking, in the sense of remixing, be the word of the year for 2013.…

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Hacking – Word of the Year

While brainstorming for ideas for today’s Daily Create, “Draw/Create an image that creates a positive connotation for the word “hacking”, I realized that I could combine this with our assignment to hack a website. What better way to give hacking a higher profile than to have the Oxford English Dictionary announce that hacking, in the sense of remixing, be the word of the year for 2013.…

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Mimi and Toutou’s Excellent Adventure

This assignment was to create a story of an historical or literary figure using Google Maps as the framework.    My story is about Mimi and Toutou, neither literary nor historical figures, but two forty-foot long naval launches that were transported from London via Cape Town to Lake Tanganyika in 1915 in engage the Germans in combat during the First World War.…

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Audio, Audio, Audioooooooooo: Shrinking The Big Questions

Well, I’ve participated in creating a radio show for the very first time. And it won’t be the last. In fact, I’m hoping to create something in time for Halloween as Ben Rimes suggested (tight deadline!) So I’ve emailed the Talky Team and sent out a rough draft.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs