syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Week 5 – Syllabus and Organizing Online/Blended Courses -POT Class

It is the week of examining Syllabus options and Getting Ourselves Organized!


I have to admit the amazing timing of this module. I have already forwarded suggestions from the readings, especially the templates, to some of my peers and Instructors that I am mentoring.…

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A last tour

Our last day of visits took us to two different places.  Our first was to Donhead Preparatory School, a Jesuit school in Wimbledon that is a stepping stone to some of the exclusive grammar schools in the area and although they focus on academic achievements the Jesuit way is more important for them.  …

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Teens are Natural Learners if we Let Them Fly

Loved this Ted Talk about the positive things teens are doing online. Adults need to *learn* to be connected educators, but many teens do it naturally.  Love to hear about these ripples….

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October Observances… Spice Up Your Homeschool Lessons


October offers some great opportunities for teaching…

  • Positive Attitude Month
  • Black History UK Month
  • Bullying Prevention
  • Dinosaur Month
  • Learning Disabilities Month
  • Diversity Awareness Month
  • World Space Week 4-10
  • Fire Prevention Week 6-12
  • Get Organized Week 6-12 
  • Great Books Week 6-12
  • Financial Planning Week 7-13
  • World Vegetarian Day 1st
  • Fall Astronomy Day 2nd
  • Techies Day (not just computer technicians) 3rd
  • World Teachers Day 5th
  • National Noodle Day 6th
  • World Day of Bullying Prevention 7th
  • National Face Your Fears Day 8th
  • World Mental Health Day 10th
  • National Stop Bullying 9th
  • National Chess Day 9th
  • National Poetry Day 15th
  • Black Poetry Day 17th
  • National Pasta Day 17th
  • Louisiana Purchase 20th
  • National Pumpkin Day 26th
  • Navy Day 27th
  • Day Light Savings Time Ends 28th

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Physical Education Homeschool Style (For Toddlers)

Physical Education is a most… helping our kids grow healthy is always a plus.  Well, when I looked at our routine… I found it needed some revamping.  Outside of the park and outdoor play, there was nothing.  So I searched and searched and searched… finally, after running across a few sites and suggestions… I decided to add YOGA to our daily routine. …

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At today’s visit is to Quintin Kynaston Academy, located just around the corner from Abbey Road Studios, it was wonderful to have students greeting and talking to us as we signed in at the school.  Students sharing their school and being proud of their learning environment is always an exciting way to see a school.  …

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RSCON4: Worldwide educator conversations that need YOU

YOU have a seat at the WORLDWIDE table of BIG IDEAS in education–at the Reform Symposium Conference. Well, it’s more like a bunch of tables all pushed together filled with the bustle of excited people speaking different languages, on a variety of devices; some in pajamas and others in their work clothes. 
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DS106 Will Open Your Eyes


Image based on “24hr open eyes” by Mo Riza (CC-BY-2.0)

Week 5 of Headless DS106 was all about telling stories in photos.  Since staring DS106 I have found that my eyes have been opened and I am now more aware of brooms that look like peacocks and the potential for found objects that can be repurposed.…

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October is Connected Education Month

October is Connected Education Month and I am super excited.

It was less than a year ago that I learned in #etmooc what it means to develop my own PLN (personal learning network).

Since then my PLN has become a major part of my life.…

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A Glimps into Living With Schizophrenia

This week my Innovation and Change Coursera Course asked me to ask the customer what they need. For me as a school counsellor, my students are my “customers” and it’s important for me to keep in touch with what they need.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs