syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The Git Zone


TL:DR: Cut to the puppies.

When I was working on Glow full-time Ian Stuart talked a lot about the Zone of proximal development . Wikipedia says that the ZPD is The zone of proximal development is an area of learning that occurs when a person is assisted by a teacher or peer with a skill set higher than that of the subject.

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Hello, my name is….

Hello, my name is Chantelle and I am and EdWeb addict.

During spring break I discovered the awesome archive or webinars by EdWeb.  I have since viewed/participated in over 17 of them.

It all started with a single webinar on how blended professional development could be delivered. 

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Autism doesn’t end at 5

Recently the Ontario government announced improvements in funding for kids with autism. The idea sounded like a good one — increase funding to support greater access to IBI. Certainly the evidence supports the notion that earlier support can make a huge difference in outcomes for young kids diagnosed along the autism spectrum.…

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If Not This Then Something Else

I’ve got a few IFTTT recipes on the go. IFTT is a useful service from linking up and pushing information around online services.

In the last week or so I’ve seen a couple of posts about the service, received an email and had an interesting incident so though it worth a post.…

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Arts-Tech Learning Center – Why Not in Every Neighborhood?

Last Friday I attended a networking event hosted by Connect Chicago, where Street Level Youth Media and The Little Black Pearl showcased work they were doing with young people. Below is a video shown by Armand Morris, of Little Black Pearl.

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Linked from several mac blogs and news sites is the HyperCard episode of Simple Beep (Simple Beep is a podcast looking back at the history of Apple and the Mac community).

HyperCard is a pice of software that certainly changed my life, turning me from someone who had no interest in computers at all to someone who spent 10 years typing HyperTalk.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs