syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs


Based on this,  Fukuyama and the Post-Human

Instead of Big Brother watching everyone, people could use the PC and internet to watch Big Brother, as governments everywhere were driven to publish more information on their own activities

Syria turns off the internet

the collapse of totalitarian empires and the emergence of the personal computer, as well as other forms of inexpensive information technology, from TVs and radios to faxes and email – were not unrelated

were not unrelated – SERIOUSLY?…

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Why Rhizomatic Learning? Pt. 4 #etmooc

I’ve already made the connection between rhizomatic thinking and the general shift in science and culture from mechanistic, reductionist thinking to organic, wholistic thinking. It encourages me, then, when I find evidence that people with other interests than my educational concerns are thinking rhizomatically, even if they don’t use the term.…

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The Art of Beautiful Storytelling: Storybird


 Another Summer Day photo credit: @ifatma. via photopin cc

Since January Storybird’s have been all the rage in my classroom. I had not planned it to become an ongoing project in my classroom but once word got out about the beautiful Storybird graphics it has snowballed into a phenomenon in my classroom.…

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Don’t Stop Me Now, I’m having a good time…

I’m having a ball!!

This lipdup says it all.  I am having a ball. But that doesn’t mean that it’s been easy. Participating  in ETMOOC is incredibly taxing. Trying to read, comment, post, and create for the mooc while finishing course work for my Masters, and working is not leaving time for much else.
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Natasa, I was absolutely thrilled to find your pos…

Natasa, I was absolutely thrilled to find your post this morning via Vance's Multilit YG summary which drops into my inbox.
I found it most inspiring – no inspirational – to read. And that EDCMOOC school, well they've really hit the nail on the head 🙂
Thanks a million
ElizabethA (webhead)…

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Follow-up on ‘Checking the petri dishes: End game analysis for MultiMOOC 13’

This post is the second in a series, following

Thanks Natasa for the great questions.  I changed the subject of this post which will mess up the thread in YahooGroups, but will allow me to post it on Posterous by cc’ing this email to the blog.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs