syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

By: Copyright or wrong? « connectiv

[…] Teachers should know about Creative Commons, when they want to use technical apps for education. Since the product of your labours is online, it also means that distributing it is easy too. Allowin… Ian Guest Even recording online video or work could be an infringement of copyright!…

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By: connectiv

[…] Teachers should know about Creative Commons, when they want to use technical apps for education. Since the product of your labours is online, it also means that distributing it is easy too. Allowin… Ian Guest Even recording online video or work could be an infringement of copyright!…

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Boundaries and the System

A fourth concept that Morin discusses in The Reform of Thought is the system, or organization. If I understand Morin correctly, then he means by system any self-organizing entity that pulls itself together  in such a manner that allows it to function as an entity and that provides the organized substrate for the emergence of properties and capabilities not necessarily inherent in the individual …

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Today one of the etmooc tweets on my gmail talked about Clay Shirky’s Cognitive Surplus: How the Internet turned Consumers into Collaborators.  This is an important book about which I have lots of caveats from an educational standpoint.  I agree in general with Tim Walker’s review in general on the rest. …

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We’re Getting a Mac Lab or Yup, I’m Bragging

Several months ago one of my parents approached me with an opportunity to apply for a grant through the Arizona Diamondbacks organization. Unfortunately we didn’t make the final cut. Undaunted, Lisa Cvijanovich kept searching for available funds to support a multimedia production studio (MMPS) at Knox Gifted Academy.…

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Connecting: Doing It Without Trying (sorta)

This week was a lesson in overdoing.

In my classroom, we’re excited about an upcoming field trip where we will be “mission specialists” on a Moon Mission… I just finished “interviewing” all the “job applicants” and will spend the weekend placing everyone in their job positions so they can begin specific job training.  …

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Entering the Waters Slowly

I have spent an inordinate amount of time downloading YouTube videos on how to setup and use HootSuite, which also motivated me to setup a Google + page. I’m still a fumbling tweeter. My online practice continues to be hindered by the on-and-off nature of my ISP, compounded by electrical brownouts.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs