syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Here I am!

Hi!  This is my introductory post for ETMOOC.  I’m a doctoral student, instructor, and research assistant based in Regina, SK.  Before moving up to the Great White North, I spent four years teaching English in the Baltimore City Public School System.  …

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Sorry #etmooc

Well, orientation week was a bit scary! I listened in and got a sense of wow! I set up my blog, but mixed up the link for the etmooc hub! <sigh> I am sure it will all work out.
I am hoping that a few of the sessions are taped and available for review.…

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On the importance of social capital in knowledge sharing within virtual communities of practice…

Reblogged from connectivité:

Click to visit the original post

  by  mallix 

As you may have noticed from my last entry, I am interested in how virtual knowledge sharing networks—virtual communities of practice—can be fostered and maintained through social media and/or other e-strategies. In organisations, it is proposed this continual sharing and learning helps the firm to remain competitive and able to respond to change.

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My ETMOOC Intro: Creating Great Things Through Collaboration

This is my introduction for #etmooc in which I use a whole bunch of public domain videos in order to illustrate what I am talking about (sometimes with better results than others).

I’m excited about this course and the people that I will meet and collaborate with as a result.…

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Boundaries and the Included Middle

So Mending Wall does not present us with a binary choice between the discrete individualism of reductionism and classical logic on the one hand or the undifferentiated unity of holism and mysticism on the other. Rather, the poem presents a third way, a middle way, but not in the Aristotelean sense of a Golden Mean or in the Hegelian sense of a synthesis.…

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In the opening session of #etmooc, there was some discussion around why a PLN instead of LMS.  There were some interesting points brought up, such as each participant having their own space and their own control.  This graphic caught my attention though:


Clearly it is meant to show how PLN is superior to CMS in terms of learning network size. …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs