syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

when is a MOOC not a MOOC..?

What is a MOOC anyway? Over the last few months I’ve spent a lot of time discussing with a colleague how we can define MOOCs, discussing whether or not we should be creating them, or using them, or are we in fact already doing them?…

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Our OJ (OER Jukebox) – used for Educator Development…

In a previous post I effused about the OER Jukebox…

It dawned on my this afternoon that this should also be awesome for showing teachers great new vistas as well.  Unlike my previous CPD effusion about MOOCs and teachers, this is about LOOKs (local opportunities on know-how!!).…

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Hello #etmooc

My name is Todd and I get to play with teachers all day. Of course my real job is to be a good father and husband, but the company pays me dollar bills to do what I love.

I thought I would follow in my mother’s footsteps and become a family therapist.…

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Orientation Night

Well, maybe it is because I am still a little sick from the flu, but my head is still swimming with information from last night’s orientation session.  Not really sure how to retain all of that information and translate it into meaningful learning. …

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My edtech projects for 2013 [Update 1.2] – The repurposed (re)MEDIA(tion) centre

I have spent the last few days sifting through a school room filled with “defunct” hardware.  The ex-consultant-me said to new-NPO-me that “we” had to triage the room’s unruly contents into three camps:

A = “redeemeable” equipment that can switch on and stay on (worthy of some effort at bringing it back online)

B = “redeemable” equipment that is not switching on (but can be fixed with tinkering & cannibalisation)

C = e-junk

To do this segmenting I called in an expert – my 20 year old son, Matthew (UCT, Computer Science undergrad).  …

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Why am I here ?

I should be in retirement by now, shouldn’t I?  After many years of my “disruptive” teaching pedagogy one would think I should have given up and gone away to some marvelous Greek Isle to prune fig trees and grapevines and reap the harvest of the olive groves.
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Week 1 – initial findings

It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop.Wisdom of Confucius

I thought this proverb captured how I am feeling right now.  There are so many great tools being discussed in this MOOC, and I find I am getting overwhelmed with wanting to try them all.  

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etmooc Introduction

Hello Everyone,

My name is Doug Smith and I recently joined #etmooc.  I’ll be honest here, I know very little of what #etmooc is and what it’s all about.  I tend to jump into things with both feet, if it’s something that I’m interested in or passionate about, so here I am.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs