syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs


Hello! My name is Tracy Sockalosky and I am currently an Instructional Technology specialist in Natick, MA. I  had promised myself in the fall that I would slow down in the winter. It is working out well so far! I am super excited about this course, though.…

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The start of a new year and the start of a new adventure… #etmooc Educational Technology and Media Massive Open Online Course. A cMOOC (connectivist) where the connections are an important part of the learning journey. I am very much a people person, so I really enjoy the connections I make online, and love when I can meet face to face.…

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the 1st #etmooc session – welcome and orientation

Overwhelming, exciting and stimulating… all in one session. No complaints!

I thoroughly enjoyed hearing and reading everyone’s ideas and contributions. It was definitely the most interactive Collaborate session I have ever attended. I have feeling that this will be a wondrous online journey.…

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Wondering and apprehension about Orientation left as Alec began the session.  Everyone’s artistic skills improved through repetition on each slide Alec talked about. J  The Orientation in particular lived up to the EtMOOc tag with a lot of creative art being displayed.  …

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Reflections on My First MOOC Session

My first feeling upon logging onto Blackboard tonight was one of feeling lost. However, a few things that were shared brought me some hope that I would not stay in that feeling of being lost for long. It is necessary to reframe my perspective while participating in a MOOC as it is a very different learning environment than anything I could have imagined or experienced. …

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hello #etmooc



Hello #etmooc on PhotoPeach,

  1. Orientation Activity

I have tried to embed.

Copied the code twice.

Then we had dinner.

Maybe it will work tomorrow.


Flatlines like this: Hello #etmooc on PhotoPeach. But I like this photo from morgueFile which makes me feel that anything is possible:


CC Image Source:…

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The journey begins- #etmooc

Today was the first day of the #etmooc online course. What an amazing journey this will be.

Part of me, most of me, is very excited to be involved in such an opportunity, and the other part wonders just how I think I will fit this into the already packed schedule and time line of this life.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs