syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

MOOCs A Comming – #etMOOC

This week begins the official start of my EdD program. I just completed a poll on twitter about what issues teachers feel need more research concerning educational technology and student learning. Today begins my first MOOC. I am excited to be involved with so many great people!…

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#ETMOOC Introduction

Greetings fellow #ETMOOCers! 8348141673_f53033bae9_m

As you can already tell from my blog, I work as an instructional consultant for Regina Public Schools. Prior to being appointed consultant, I taught for a total of ten years, five at Kindergarten and then five at the grade eight level.…

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#etmooc Introduction (Yes, another MOOC!)

I’ve been experimenting with some presentation tools for my scientific and technical presentations course. I’m teaching it this spring semester. I’m also taking another (more well-organized) MOOC led by Alec Couros: #etmooc.

It should be loads of fun. Anyway, here’s the introduction I put together for the first week activities: #etmooc Introduction.…

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Looking Forward to Moocing About!

What the waves left behind

What the waves left behind

Hello to our forming #etmooc  community! I’m a grade 6/7 teacher in Vancouver, BC. I look forward to using these pages to learn together, and I’m very excited about where all this all might go. Yesterday’s #etmooc tweet,  asking us to introduce ourselves using one of the many forms of media and apps available, is a great way to begin.…

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Entering 2013 – or where my head is at.

Starting off 2013 

I’ve had an incredibly sad start to the new year 2013 – losing my beloved mini-schnauzer Octavian – too young and suddenly to an aggressive blood cancer on Jan. 7. He shared two homes – making both me and my parents’ his castle.

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ETMOOC 2013 starts tomorrow…

Let the learning adventure begin!


I’ve completed the orientation for etmooc – my Google+ feed, TweetDeck, and my WordPress account is all set. I’m good to go!

With so many channels to follow, I could see that this learning experience may not be for everyone.…

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ETMOOC Reflections

ETMOOC – Reflections

January 2013

January 13th:

I created an page for my introduction I have been reviewing introductions posted on twitter #etmooc and G+ (etmooc community) and they are awesome. Can’t wait to start learning tonight.

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Initial thoughts and curiousities on entering a MOOC

I’ve been thinking, reading and commenting on MOOCs, teaching, theory and practice. I have, as yet, no definite ideas, and my MOOC begins tomorrow. I’ve pitched myself headlong into it, and I’m a classic modern mature student. So, an analysis of myself, and my needs wants and desires is useful.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs