syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Recap: 2014 Online Learning Consortium International Conference


Last week, we attended, presented, and were sponsors for the 2014 Online Learning Consortium International Conference in Orlando. We learned a lot and can’t wait to share it all with you! To start, we will share what we presented.

During our presentation, “Struggling with Group Projects in Your Online Course?

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“Click, Play, Share”

In the last few years, my entire approach to education and learning has undergone a radical transformation. By being a “connected” educator, I have opened myself up to an entirely different world of self-motivated, personalized, asynchronous professional development.

Since becoming the e-Learning Contact (#eLC) for my board, I have had endless opportunities to attend professional development sessions both on an informal and formal level.…

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Dark corners of the Internet

republica 2013 099 #rp13 by Blogging Dagger Attribution-ShareAlike License

How do we redirect seemingly inane goals of “connecting” beyond upping friend, follower, and subscriber counts towards notions of community and care and concern for each other, especially in places and conversations that are fraught with anger, frustration, and deep, deep potential for harm?

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Leicester City Council OERs

Leicester City Council is the first local government authority in the United Kingdom (UK) to provide 84 community schools with blanket permission to openly license their educational resources. The council is recommending that school staff use the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to share materials created in the course of their work.

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My Take on the Coin Problem

A few weeks ago my twitter sphere contained a discussion about how to make those simultaneous equation problems involving coins a bit more engaging for kids. I read a few tweets and connected to something Dan Meyer was doing. First up I saw his picture of coins, American coins, and I thought, well I can’t use this with Australian kids, I’ll have to do something myself.…

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Wikipedia Tips from #eduwiki

image by Tflanagan (WMF) Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Yesterday I went along to the EduWiki Conference 2014 conference in Edinburgh organised by Wikimedia UK. A really interesting day included presentations about how wikipedia is being used in education (mostly tertiary) and a great discussion of how support for using Wikipedia in schools could be developed.…

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Wondering at #TEDxWestVanEd

A few weeks ago I spent the day at the #TEDxWestVanEd conference in West Vancouver, BC.  It was my 2nd time attending their TEDx, and just like last year, I was left with my head filled with excitement and wonders…

As a 2nd year Faculty Associate, I am looking at things a little bit differently though–yes, it is still all about the kids–they are always at the centre of every decision we make of course, but I am also thinking about  everything in regards to how it fits into Teacher Education and our student- teachers, as they are my primary students now.

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How to Make Your Own Sound Booth for Better Voice Overs

Not everyone has access to a professional recording studio so most of us have to improvise when recording audio. That is why we are so glad we came across this article by eLearning Brothers! Click here for the original article.

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Open Content Toolkit

IMG_0462 by Communications Mann Attribution License

The purpose of this wiki is to provide a gateway to contemporary and historical open digital media content from media archives and collections around the world. It is a space to explore, discuss and share examples of the use of open media at all school stages and at all levels of education.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs