If We Care About Engagement Online…What Follows?

Garnering attention is really hard in today’s day and age. People are increasingly distracted by the varied media spaces that permeate our lives.
Consider this: 
Most people who multitask do so although it degrades their performance. The allure of competing medias simply make it harder and harder to focus.
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Uncertainty Can Be Wonderful

On Monday night, I had the opportunity to attend Dave Cormier’s webinar on Rhizomatic Learning. I’ve been to hundreds of webinars, and this one cracked my top 10. Seriously– it was that good. Go watch it right after you read this post.
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Making Learning Visible: Is the Value in Feedback?

Last night, in the first session of our #etmooc, we were encouraged to make our learning visible.

That idea sparked a few new questions that I intend to investigate throughout the course:

  • Is visible learning valuable because it increases the access to feedback?
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