When it rains in Denmark it really does rain!

This morning we headed to Langelinieskolen, just as the skies opened up and it rained, thundered and hailed! We headed to the the old hospital which temporarily houses the year 7,8 and 9 students. Langelinieskolen has recently merged with the deaf school, which has recently seen a drop in numbers of students due to new laws on deaf students being able to integrate into all primary schools rather than attending the special schools.…

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As the sun goes down on Copenhagen

This post is part of a series reflecting on my international study tour to Copenhagen, Berlin and London.

Today is our last day in Copenhagen and we head off to Aarhus University to hear from Frans Ørsted Andersen, Associate Professor in the Center for Educational Research who will talk to us about comparing Denmark and Finland.…

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When the sun shines through…..

In today’s school visit I had a chance to teach 24 eleven year olds from Niels Steensens.  It was a lovely experience and I had a chance to work with the students for around 90 minutes.  After looking at some images of Australia and thinking about the different perspectives the students had an opportunity to ask questions.  …

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Stormy weather in schools forces kids to stay home

Our first outing in Copenhagen is to the Technical Education Copenhagen,  who educate 4000 upper secondary school students taking the more vocational track.  Students in Copenhagen have a choice at age 16 of following a more academic stream at gymnasium or move on to a technical HTX school which incorporates academic threads with more vocational subjects.…

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