The Happiness of Being Creative… Energizing Thoughts for the Start of My School Year

Is there anything better than starting a new school year? The crisp smell of fall in the air (or a blanket of snow the first week of school if you live in Calgary), the anticipation of meeting your new students, the hope and dreams of the year to come.…

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Supporting Students Who Experience Anxiety

Anxiety is the anticipation of the unexpected. It is a normal part of life. When harnessed it can be a positive force that can encourage us to take a chance and try something new.

However, as with all things in life, too much of anything is not good for you.…

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Teens are Natural Learners if we Let Them Fly

Loved this Ted Talk about the positive things teens are doing online. Adults need to *learn* to be connected educators, but many teens do it naturally.  Love to hear about these ripples….

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A Glimps into Living With Schizophrenia

This week my Innovation and Change Coursera Course asked me to ask the customer what they need. For me as a school counsellor, my students are my “customers” and it’s important for me to keep in touch with what they need.…

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A Glimps into Living With Schizophrenia

This week my Innovation and Change Coursera Course asked me to ask the customer what they need. For me as a school counsellor, my students are my “customers” and it’s important for me to keep in touch with what they need.…

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Making Ripples Around the World


I am working in Japan this year and I have chosen to take a MOOC on Social Psychology while I am away. Now I chose the course before I decided to move, but I think that fate stepped in because the content of this course seems so relevant to me right now.…

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Moving to Japan and Reflecting on Compassion

My day of compassion


On Friday September 6th,2013 I attempted to complete my day of compassion. For this project I will refer to compassion as the sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it (

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Lessons for a New School Counsellor … an ongoing dialogue for this school year

As I spend time in Japan this year, I have made an opening for a brand new counsellor to work at Bishop Carroll. I have also left behind a dear friend who is going to make sure that “the new guy” has a fantastic first experience.…

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What I Want My ChildrenTo Know…

This summer as in every summer for the past thirty-four years I have come home to Nova Scotia.  As usual when I slow down I have time to reflect. This summer though I have a purpose to reflect because  I am in an open educators vlogging group called openspokes.…

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