Delving into “The Open Movement” (Etmooc, topic 4)

In preparation for this week’s etmooc exploration of “The Open Movement”, I have been viewing Alan Levine‘s repository of “True Stories of Openness” .  I am inspired by the stories shared – how little things (an idea, a discussion, a tweet, a connection) occured through the willingness to share online, took root and blossomed into something bigger – something positive – in someone’s teaching, or thinking, or doing.…

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Revisiting Twitter

I have not been on good terms with my twitter account – this was not something I wanted in my life and I was not going to indulge in interactions just to be pleasant.  Except that now I keep coming across people I would like to follow – mostly other BC educators (my world is enlarging a little at a time) whose work I have become aware of, and interested in….so…

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Blogging about Blogging

I am gearing up to introduce blogging to my Grade 6-9 students.  I have attended two ETMOOC sessions with Sue Waters, have read some of Sue’s blogs about blogging with students, have scheduled in time to attend another archived ETMOOC on the same topic this week.…

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I will be participating in something called “Etmooc” (Educational Technology Massive Open Online Course) as part of EDCI 515.   Until a week ago I had no idea what a MOOC was,  had never heard the term, so I’ve been exploring the Etmooc site to familiarize myself with its premise, purpose, and protocols. …

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