First Prezi Presentation

A week ago, I used the second prezi that I have created to present at Alumas Wałdamala (Alumas Information).  I have attached the registration package for your information although the event has passed.  I was very honoured and humbled to be presenting a paper that I wrote for EDCI 532 in which the instructor was Monica Prendergast from the University of Victoria. …

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Discovering Treasures with Prezi

I must admit that I have felt a little intimidated with the idea of creating my first Prezi for a presentation that I am giving this Thursday.  My anxiety has held me back from actually creating the Prezi.  I am one of those people that needs time to think and reflect before starting a project.  …

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Learning Prezi

Well, I have decided to learn Prezi for a number of reasons.  Here is just the beginning of the list.

  1. It seems flashy and more fun than PowerPoint.  Movement and fun are two ingredients for engagement.
  2. Future presentation on March 14 and a presentation for EDCI 515.
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Standing at the EdTech (Cake) Buffet

cake buffet, cake, buffet, dessert, pie, banana cake


Have you ever stood at the desert table of a buffet and wanted to sample everything?  We usually have a friend who can divide and conquer the entire table with us.  After all, you do not want to carry two plates of desert by yourself.  …

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