Sharing French Cuisine: A Culmination of Our Learning.

What a great way to perform the learning outcomes for Grade 11 French:  find a true French recipe from the Francophone world via Twitter and make it for the class.  Preparing French food together helped build community, reviewed our French food vocabulary, and created authentic research opportunities. …

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Student Reflections on Tweeting and Blogging



Today in the French 11/12 class, I handed out a questionnaire to get my students’ thoughts about tweeting and blogging.  They could respond in either French or English.  The questionnaire included the following questions:

1.  What is one aspect about Twitter that you are enjoying?…

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Reviewing Key Concepts with Tweeting and Blogging


To begin, I realize that tweeting and blogging can be complementary practices in the language classroom.  Either can be used to gain viewers to the others’ platform. It was through Twitter that I was able to get readers and comments on my class blog and it was with blogging that I was able to discuss resources that I found on Twitter. …

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Reflecting on Tweeting and Blogging


As I spent the weekend reflecting on the use of Twitter and Kidblog in my French classroom, I realized Twitter has surpassed my expectations for usefulness.  In the beginning, I had rallied my class around the idea of using Twitter to practice, each day, a French phrase, using some verb tense or other language structure from our daily class work. …

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So far I have mixed feelings about blogging.  I have spent the last two weeks with my French 11/12 class creating blog posts and commenting on our exchange class’ blog.  The students are disappointed that no one has commented yet.   …

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A New Beginning with Tweeting and Blogging

A new semester brings a new beginning for my French11/12 class.  With lots of excitement and enthusiasm, we began using Twitter and started a class blog.  Maybe I’m integrating too much too quickly, but I thought both these forums would offer different perspectives and learning experiences. …

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