Lessons for a New School Counsellor … an ongoing dialogue for this school year

As I spend time in Japan this year, I have made an opening for a brand new counsellor to work at Bishop Carroll. I have also left behind a dear friend who is going to make sure that “the new guy” has a fantastic first experience.…

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Summer is a great time for reflection

This week I had a lot of fun tinkering around online, thanks for the great ideas Open Spokes. I was  trying out new ideas while reflecting on what I want to teach my kids. 

I started out playing with the new haiku deck app… see the following link,


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Connecting the World’s Classrooms Through Online Collaboration

One of the things that I love most about #Etmooc (yes, I know it’s been three months but I’m still singing its praises) was the way it encouraged all of us to become reflective practitioners and life long learners.

I try to think: What I’m currently doing in my classroom might already be working well- but we need to be constantly playing around to find ways to make it better and more relevant to my students http://www.hybridpedagogy.com/Journal/files/Letter_from_a_Hybrid_Student.html

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Reach Out- Social Media Helping to Relieve Tension in Times of Pressure

Yesterday I woke up to a surreal situation. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, my hometown, the place where I have lived since birth, was declared to be in a state of emergency due to flooding. I heard it on the news and then went straight to my twitter account to gain all the latest up to date information.…

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Teaching the Tough Topics

Reblogged from Inscho In School:

In every age there are those topics that are the “tough” ones.  We know there are valuable lessons there, but the content isn’t directly in the curriculum.  Sometimes we skirt around them because they’re often controversial.  

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On Social Intelligence (SI) and Emotional Intelligence(EQ) Curriculum in Schools

 “People don’t leave companies- They leave bad bosses”- D. Goleman

My ah ha moment during our staff meeting today when we were discussing the pros and cons of promoting Google hangouts was: “If I force a child to come to me they will never come, if I flex and meet them where they are at they can be drawn”.…

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