Entering #Etmooc

Day 8 of my digital story challenge and I have tried to produce a video with animoto.


Make a video of your own at Animoto.

I really loved this process. I would like to thank Judy Arzt for inspiring me to use animoto http://www.youtube.com/user/JudyArzt1

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Show Me: a Digital Story

225114_10150239812920797_581850796_9050899_5983927_nShowme: A Digital Story

After struggling with videoscribe last night. I was pleasently surprised with the ease it took to create my 8th digital story using the Ipad App Showme. This was so easy that I would even recommend it for elementary classrooms.…

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My 5 Card Creation

Five Card Story: An Exciting #Etmooc Experience

a #etmooc story created by @EHordyskiLuong

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by ncaramanico

flickr photo by Henriksent

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by Henriksent

There was once a school counsellor from Calgary who decided that she wanted to explore a new world.

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Natural Beauty: My First Attempt at Videolicious

Although this is my typical “Story of Counselling” I really wanted to experiment with the combination of voice, visuals and song. I was also inspired through my conversations on #etmchat this evening. I had never reflected on the beauty of being natural, putting yourself out there and embracing all the little mistakes, because each of these lines contribute the the overall story.…

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How Do you Learn from Twitter Chats and WallWisher

Ok, I will be honest, having done two twitter chat sessions for etmooc, or should I say following them while they flew by. I was not a fan! Tweetdeck did help a lot. I was able to follow #etmchat as well as see those messages directed at me.…

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Getting Beyond Lurking with #etmooc and Blackboard Collaborate Sessions

Newbie’s log–newbie date 31/01/2013…. 3:15pm CST retweets #ETMOOC invitation to Sue Waters’ session on student blogging 3:23pm CST gets help from Elizabeth (gentle nudging tweets) to get butt into Blackboard Collaborate session and start lurking 3:24pm CST gets more Twitter … Continue reading

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Where the Beauty of the MOOC is Made Plain To Me

#etmooc has been a whirlwind of an adventure so far. The Twitter chats, blog and Google+ comments, and collaborative sessions have all helped to expand my thinking and connect me to inspiring fellow educators from around the world. In short, it’s been incredible.…

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