Learning Pathways – Post 5: Steps to Creating Learning Pathways at UBC


Retrieved from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/celestinechua/

What are some of the conditions that UBC would need to consider in order to offer a flexible learning pathways program?


This is a list of potential stages, programs and changes that UBC could investigate when considering integrating informal and formal learning pathways:



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Learning Pathways – Post 4: Current attitudes about open flexible learning pathways

Current attitudes about open flexible learning pathways – where do they fit in?

We have to trust each other in order to create authentic learning pathways…..



Retrieved from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dobs/

Part of the research process to discover current trends in open badges included asking k12 institutions, consultants, industry leaders, community associations and higher education leaders where learning pathways could “fit” in the system.…

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Learning Pathways – Post 3: What options are Currently being Offered?


Retrieved from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/missmoon/

High School Programs – Integration of credit for Formal and Informal Learning

By creating blended courses based on an interdisciplinary approach, the New Tech Network is a non-profit organization that supports school in the US and in Australia.…

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Learning Pathways -Post 2: What are the Benefits of Learning Pathways?


Learning comes in pieces – waiting to be attached and connected in all means, shapes and sizes……

2) What are the Benefits of Flexible Learning Pathways?


High School Student:

Susan is attending a High School in Nelson, BC.  Susan is interested in science and passionate about art and design.…

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What Does Learning Look Like? Integrating Formal and Informal Learning into Learning Pathways

I have spent the last six months working on a final project for my Masters in Educational Technology Degree with the University of British Columbia.

The goal was to figure out -what I am passionate about as an educator, parent and person?…

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