Autism doesn’t end at 5

Recently the Ontario government announced improvements in funding for kids with autism. The idea sounded like a good one — increase funding to support greater access to IBI. Certainly the evidence supports the notion that earlier support can make a huge difference in outcomes for young kids diagnosed along the autism spectrum.…

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What should really come after the words “congratulations you are having twins…”

What should really come after the words “congratulations you are having twins…”

18 years ago I got to experience such a moment – but not quite like that. In my instance it was during my first ultrasound for my first pregnancy, part way through the procedure the ultrasound tech stopped what she was doing and said she would be right back.…

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kimenglish 2015-01-29 14:44:05

Bell Let’s Talk Day seems an appropriate day to talk about why youth and adolescent mental health has become a passion of mine.  During my career as a Registered Nurse, I had exposure to and compassion for those living with mental health challenges,  but it was never the setting in which I chose to work.…

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Respect our elders…

Suddenly there seems to be an increase in violent outbursts amongst elderly residents of long term care facilities. Those working in such facilities, however, will tell you that such incidents are not new. What are new are the tragic outcomes. Long term care facilities care for our elderly relatives at a point in our lives when we are no longer able to do so.…

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Does politics influence health in rural settings?

There are many changes occurring in the political landscape – Ontario has a new premier, federally, there is movement towards redefining the electoral map. Does this make a difference for rural residents? Yes, and it is significant enough that we need to be informed and involved.…

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Is Facebook an effective tool for health

Facebook has become a useful tool in – for some even a necessity! While it can be useful to use facebook to share photos, it has the potential to be harmful when used to share health and medical information. As a Registered Nurse I have been astounded at the ease with which people will accept “facebook advice”.…

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