The Heart of Rock & Roll

Inspired to Keep Beating

I teach an 8-week computer and workforce development course at MCCC.  It is fueled by the American Recovery Reinvestment Act and the Workforce Investment Board – the intent is to preserve and create jobs as well as promote economic recovery. …

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Snow-e Days

Snow-E Days

As teachers it is our role to engage the students in learning. One way to accomplish this is through activating prior knowledge. Likewise, when teachers activate their own prior knowledge it can add depth to the lesson. As soon as I saw POUGHKEEPSIE, New York streaming across the top of a news article followed by, “No More Snow Days,” my prior knowledge was activated.…

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Good Game 

Photo by Capital18 (Jugal Paryani) via

 No, I’m not a fan of any one given team in the NFL but in the wake of Sunday’s Superbowl, this Monday morning Quarterback was on top of the world.  I wasn’t going to Disney World per say, but it was close enough!

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