Explore PLN (failure/success)

Technically I am a MOOC failure. One more data point for those who are tallying the high drop out rate for MOOCs in news stories across all media these days. A disappointment to Jeff Merrell and Kimberly Scott who facilitated Exploring Personal Learning Networks (#xplrPLN.)…

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PetHangout with Hybrid Pedagogy

This morning I hosted my first Google Hangout on-air. There were 10 people in the hangout and another six people in the room with me at Alberta Education. Johanne and Maureen participated in the room with me and in the hangout.…

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Blog Reading Group Update

This month in the Post #etmooc Blog Reading Group we are exploring 21st Century Publishing, and the featured blog is Hybrid Pedagogy. There are discussions taking place in the Google+ community, and there have been a few live events.

I have been caught in the craziness of June and haven’t been able to participate in any of the live events yet, so I really am looking forward to participating in Hybrid Pedagogy’s 24 hour Moocathon this Saturday.…

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#etmchat archive: Curricular Transformation, May 1 2013

On May 1st I hosted an #etmchat about Curricular Transformation for the Post #etmooc Blog Reading Group. Here is an archive of the chat.

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