Week 4 – POT Class – Online Design and Pedagogy

This is a blog post for my Week 4 in my POT Course which stands for Program for Online Teaching. What intrigues me most about the course is a) even though it is free I can get a certificate if I stick with it to the end and b) the whole course is created in Google.…

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Pedagogy and Backwards Course Design – Week 3 – POT



Image attributed to Lisa Norwoord, Flikr http://www.flickr.com/photos/lisanorwood/902062212/

I love this image. Not only was I looking for an image to describe design thinking “backwards” but the person in this picture is instinctively doing what we are not supposed to ever do – walk into a fire.…

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Perfect 10 in Program for Online Learning already!


Flikr image attribution to: squarecicle

10 – It seems like the perfect number, mark and direction we are  looking for – a perfect 10!

That is the score I achieved on the POT program’s  Beginner’s Questionnaire. The fact that I don’t even have the energy or desire to check what the total could have been for me – tells me that I really like this “perfect 10”.  …

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