Looking for Secondary Teacher-Librarians

After last night’s completely overwhelming, yet completely awesome introduction to Etmooc, I can see the need to narrow my circle of contacts a wee bit.  Though I still intend to participate fully in the whole experience, I would love to use this experience as an opportunity to connect with like-minded high school teacher-librarians.  …

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Day Two #etmooc

ImageBlog = http://erinluong.wordpress.com

Blackboard= erinluong

Twitter=  @EHordyskiLuong

Google+= erinluong21@gmail.com

I think I’m ready…. only I’ll be sitting at my daughters ballet tonight… rather than going into the forum….. need to figure out how to view the archieves

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Getting organized for my first day of #etmooc- Jan 14th 2013

IMG_2015So today is the big day, and I’m ready to take off into the virtual world. I am very thankful to Susan Spellman Cann who sat me down and showed me my to do list for this evening….. Looking forward to getting back into on-line learning and connecting with others.…

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Recently Julia Gillard, Australia’s Prime Minister, launched a competition to find the country’s best teacher.  She asked people to share memories of their favourite teacher on her Facebook page, unfortunately preventing any student under the age 13 from sharing their favourite teacher.…

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